(239) 422-6040


We're dedicated to helping clients achieve their greatest levels of health through proper diet, nutrition, exercise as well as the latest in gut and hormone testing. 


"I have been going to Dr. Ellis since July now. Not only is he making my back pain a lot better, he has also been addressing systemic issues that are causing my symptoms."


Restore your health with FL Functional Medicine

Are you tired of temporary fixes and one-size-fits-all solutions that barely scratch the surface of your health issues? It's time to explore a revolutionary approach that gets to the root cause of your health concerns and unlocks your body's innate ability to heal itself. Welcome to Functional Medicine-where your health journey becomes personalized, precise, and profoundly transformative.


"I am not one to write reviews, but I am compelled to here because I have seen with my own eyes the progress my daughter has made."


Your Path to Healing

The expertise, treatment, and support you need to move forward.

How It Works

Initial Consultation

We'll start of with a phone or video call, and get an idea of your symptoms. We'll review what you've already tested and tried. From there, we'll recommend follow up testing depending on your needs. We may recommend physical therapy if needed. 

Case Review and Treatment Plan

We'll then go through a case review. This means we'll interpret any follow up testing such as bloodwork, and look for patterns. We'll then recommend a treatment plan consisting of diet, lifestyle, and potentially supplements to address the root cause. 


Throughout the year, we'll have follow up appointments to track your progress. We may recommend further testing to make sure you are on course, or if we need to make adjustments. 



Imagine life without limitations


Are you ready to experience the life-changing benefits of Functional Medicine? Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you by scheduling a consultation with us today. Together, we'll unlock the full potential of your body's innate healing abilities and embark on a journey towards optimal wellness. Your vibrant, thriving future awaits – and Functional Medicine is your roadmap to get there.


Chris's warm and compassionate approach immediately put me at ease, creating a welcoming atmosphere. His expertise and personalized treatment plans ensure that each patient receives the care they need. He listens attentively to concerns and collaborates with his patients to develop effective treatment strategies.


What I love most about Chris is he really listens to your needs, makes the most of your time, and is able to focus on ANY and ALL problems you may have. Even if I have 2-4 things going on physically, he attends to all of them and wastes no time.


A high-touch, high-tech approach to functional medicine

Other care models are frequently episodic and reactive. Functional Medicine strives to get to the root cause of your health dysfunction through comprehensive blood chemistry analysis and gut testing. Rather than treating symptoms, we wan to eliminate the underlying issue to restore your health. 

We also offer Physical/Occupational Therapy

The Team at Dynamic

Our team at Dynamic began with physical therapy. Dr. Chris has been an expert sports performance physical therapist beginning in 2013. Dr. Amanda is an occupational therapist has a specialty in lymphatics.

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"Dr. Ellis is the man you want to see in town hands down!! He not only is an expert in his craft of physical therapy but he has exceptional communication skills and makes sure that you leave with a full understanding of your regimen. 5 stars "

Brazil L


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HPA Axis Dysfunction

Jun 25, 2024

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